News — Real Estate Law

Discover all New 675 CD  Series, 26 hours, includes the Mock Trial of John Wilkes Booth

Discover all New 675 CD Series, 26 hours, includes the Mock Trial of John Wilkes Booth 0

All New Series 675 available now on CD format

includes 4 hours of Ethics, 2 Bias and 2 Competency

Highlights include

1) Trial of John Wilkes Booth for the Assassination of President Lincoln

2) Ethics: the #metoo movement and its legal implications

3) The latest on Marijuana and Cannabis Law

4) The latest on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat and the Legal Implications

5) 70 new Ethics Rules

6)  ETHICS: Competency and the Disbarment of Michael Cohen

7) Immigration after the Trump Era


Call today 916 652 3000

available September 2019

+Amazing Seminar Looking for Speakers for Livestream

+Amazing Seminar Looking for Speakers for Livestream 0

We are looking for speakers and attendees

January 14 and 28 2022

Time 8 am to 5 pm

Location online or in Colfax

This is a great way to promote your law firm. You will get an embed code to use on social media to impress your clients, law firm and friends.

Call 916 652 3000 or email

call today 916 652 3000

Discover Live MCLE Event August 19 2016 8 am to 5 pm PST

Discover Live MCLE Event August 19 2016 8 am to 5 pm PST 0

Discover MCLE Live Event August 19 2016 8 am to 5pm PST

Welcome to our MCLE Event

This will be live in Loomis, CA

Time 8 am to 5 pm

Date August 19 2016

Contact 916 652 3000


8 am Real Estate Law and Issues with Companion Dogs

9 am E Discovery

10 am Law Practice Management

11 am FLSA, The Overtime Rule

1 pm Criminal Defense Investigations

2 pm Ethics: Technologys Role in Reducing Bias and Misconduct

3 pm Tax Law: Offers in Compromise Process and Settling with the IRS

4 pm Ethics; Vexatious Litigation, Divorce, Child Custody & Judicial Civil Rights Violations

Discover Live MCLE Event August 19 2016 8 am to 5 pm PST

Discover Live MCLE Event August 19 2016 8 am to 5 pm PST 0

Discover MCLE Live Event August 19 2016 8 am to 5pm PST

Welcome to our MCLE Event

This will be live in Loomis, CA

Time 8 am to 5 pm

Date August 19 2016

Contact 916 652 3000



8 am Real Estate Law and Issues with Companion Dogs

9 am E Discovery

10 am Law Practice Management

11 am FLSA, The Overtime Rule

1pm Mediation

2 pm Ethics: Technologys Role in Reducing Bias and Misconduct

3 pm Tax Law: Offers in Compromise Process and Settling with the IRS

4 pm Ethics; Vexatious Litigation, Divorce, Child Custody & Judicial Civil Rights Violations

Discover MCLE Livestream Event

Discover MCLE Livestream Event 0

Discover MCLE Livestream Event with and

  • Date June 17, 2016
  • Time 8 am to 5 pm PST                                                                                                      
  • 8 am to 9 am Medical Marijuana Use In California: Law and Issues with Real Estate

  • 9 am to 10 am OSHA and Serious and Willful Misconduct Claims

  • 10 am to 11 am OSHA Electronic Recordkeeping Rule, Part 1                                                
  • 11 am to 12 noon OSHA Electronic Recordkeeping Rule Part 2                                            
  • 12 noon to 1 pm Lunch                                                                                                  
  • 1 pm to 2 pm Substance Abuse; Marijuana and Workplace Safety                    
  • 2 pm to 3 pm FLSA, the Overtime Rule                                                                         
  • 3 pm to 4 pm, Top Workplace Verdicts                                                                       
  • 4 pm to 5 pm Emergency Action and IIPP(Injury and Ilness Plans)                                  
  • Contact 916 652 3000 to enroll. 
  • Cost $99.00, and you can watch it on June 17 2016 or whenever you have time
  • 8 hours of MCLE credit includes 1 hour of Substance Abuse


Our last ivestream event was on May 29, 2015 in Sacramento, CA


REAL ESTATE LAW AND TAX LAW: Bararasani vs. Coldwell Banker Real Estate




US SUPREME COURT, Same Sex Marriage and the 14th Amendment Obergefell vs. Hodges Part II



You can still do all of your CLE using our CD, MP3 or OnDemand Videos.

We are scheduling our next seminar and will post dates and times very soon.

Please check back periodically.  

Please call to enroll or you can watch later 916 652 3000.