New York

Aaron and Aaron dba Ulrich, Nash and Gump is approved in New York.  We are approved in New York by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board because they accepted approved institutions accredited in other states under rule 6a.


Credit hours required:                       24 hours per reporting period. 


Specialty credits required:               4 hours ethics and professionalism.


Length of reporting period:              2 years. 


Compliance date:                               30 days after birthday in alternate years.


Compliance group:                            Attorneys must register and complete their CLE requirement by the end of their reporting period. Attorneys admitted before 1982 or in even-numbered years register in even-numbered years and certify compliance for the prior two-year period.  Attorneys admitted after 1982 in odd-numbered years register in odd-numbered years and certify compliance for the prior two-year period. 


Reporting date:                                  30 days after birthday in alternate years.


Minutes per credit hour:                   50 minutes. To calculate credit for a specific program, divide the total minutes of instruction by 50 and round down to the nearest half hour. For example, a 90-minute program is worth 1.5 NY credit hours.      


Credit requirements and format limitations for newly admitted attorneys: Attorneys who are admitted to the New York state bar two years or less are considered to be newly admitted attorneys and are required to take 16 hours of transitional credit in each of the first two years (3 hours of ethics, 6 hours of skills, and 7 hours of law practice management or areas of professional practice each year).  Newly experienced attorneys must take accredited transitional CLE courses in the traditional live classroom setting, or through fully interactive video conferences that have been approved for use by newly admitted attorneys.    


Attendance Reporting Procedure: The ABA issues New York certificates of attendance to attorneys after verifying their participation.  Attorneys must retain these certificates for four years after the program and certify completion of CLE requirements each reporting period. The ABA does not send certificates of attendance to the New York board.


Approval of ABA Programs

The ABA is an accredited provider in New York and is approved for the following formats.


Approved ABA Live Program Formats  Live, in person meetings (e.g., National Institutes) Webinars and Teleconferences*


Approved ABA CLE Product Formats CDs, CD-ROMs, and DVDs* On-Demand Online Courses* CLE Downloads*

*Only experienced attorneys may earn credit through these non-traditional formats.


State Contact Information

New York State Continuing Legal Education Board

25 Beaver Street, Room 888

New York, NY 10004

(212) 428-2105 Toll-free outside NYC:

(877) 697-4253

