North Carolina


Credit hours required:                       12 hours per reporting period


Specialty credits required:               2 ethics and/or professionalism, with 1 additional hour on substance abuse awareness or debilitating mental conditions every 3 years. 


Length of reporting period:              1 year 


Compliance date:                                December 31


Compliance group:                             All attorneys


Reporting date:                                   February 28 


Minutes per credit hour:                   60 minutes. To calculate credit for a specific program, divide the total length of the program in minutes by 60 and round down to the nearest quarter hour.


Limit on credit hours for recorded programs: Attorneys can earn up to 4 CLE hours via on-demand online courses.


Attendance Reporting Procedure: The ABA reports attendance for live programs within 30 days after the program to the North Carolina CLE Board.  The does not report attendance for on-demand online courses.


Approval of ABA Programs

The ABA is an accredited sponsor in North Carolina and is approved for the following formats.


Approved Live Program Formats  Live, in-person meetings (e.g., National Institutes)  Webinars and teleconferences


Approved ABA CLE Product Formats On-demand online courses

North Carolina does not allow credit for individual self-study via CDs, CD-ROMs, or DVDs.


State Contact Information

North Carolina State Bar North Carolina Continuing Legal Education

208 Fayetteville Street Mall P.O. Box 26148

Raleigh, NC 27611

(919) 733-0123

