Aaron & Aaron Inc dba Ulrich, Nash & Gump is approved for MCLE for the State of California
We are an approved MCLE multiple activity provider for the state of California for the period of June 30 2022 to June 30 2025
Provider # 3252
Credit hours required: 25 hours
Specialty credits required:
4 hours of ethics; 1 hr of substance abuse or mental illness that impairs professional competence; 1 hour of elimination of bias in the profession and 1 hour of implicit bias.
Length of reporting period: 3 years
Compliance date: January 31
Reporting date: February 1
Compliance group: Reporting Groups:
Compliance Groups
Attorneys assigned to a compliance group will always remain in that same group, even if they change their last name.
- Attorneys admitted on or before Feb. 1, 1992, were assigned to a compliance group based on the first letter of their last name, as listed on their official State Bar records, effective Feb. 1, 1992, (the beginning of the MCLE program.)
- Attorneys admitted after Feb. 1, 1992 are assigned to a compliance group based on the first letter of the last name listed on their admit cards. Admit cards are filled out when they are sworn in.
Group 1 (A-G) | Group 2 (H-M) | Group 3 (N-Z) |
Attorneys with last names beginning with A-G. Compliance period: 2/1/22−1/31/25 Deadline to report: Feb. 1, 2025 |
Attorneys with last names beginning with H-M. Compliance period: 2/1/21−1/31/24 Deadline to report: Feb. 1, 2024 |
Attorneys with last names beginning with N-Z. Compliance period: 2/1/20−1/31/23 Deadline to report: Feb. 1, 2023 |
per credit hour: 60 minutes. To calculate credit for a specific program, divide the total length of the program in minutes by 60. Limit on credit hours for self-study: Attorneys must earn 12.5 credit hours through activities qualified for participatory credit (or one half of their proportional requirement). The remainder (up to 12.5 hours) can be earned via self-study.
Attendance Reporting Procedure: Attorneys are responsible for tracking their CLE credit and reporting compliance to the State Bar of California at the end of the reporting period. Prior to the end of the reporting period, the State Bar sends compliance cards to those who must comply that year. Attorneys must retain their certificates of attendance for participatory credit activities. Neither the ABA nor attorneys send certificates of attendance to the California State Bar unless requested during an audit.
Approved ABA Live Program Formats Live, in person meetings (e.g., National Institutes)*Webinars and teleconferences*
Approved ABA CLE Product Formats CDs, CD-ROMs, and DVDs** On-demand online courses* CLE downloads**
* Format qualifies for participatory credit in California.
** Format qualifies for self-study in California.
State Contact Information
The State Bar of California Office of Certification
180 Howard Street, 8th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 538-2130