New Hampshire
Credit hours required: 12 hours per reporting period
Specialty credits required: 2 hours ethics/professionalism, substance abuse, prevention of malpractice, or attorney-client relations
Length of reporting period: 1 year
Compliance date: June 30
Compliance group: All attorneys
Reporting date: June 30
Minutes per credit hour: 60 minutes
Limit on credit hours for recorded programs: Attorneys can earn up to 6 CLE hours via recorded programs.
Attendance Reporting Procedure: Effective for ABA programming beginning July 1, 2013. The ABA does not report your participation. New Hampshire attorneys may individually apply for course approval by submitting the Attorney Credit Application Form to the New Hampshire MCLE Board with the required attachments. You can download a copy of the program brochure/agenda from many ABA program websites, or print a copy of the program web page (if no separate brochure available) for submission with your application.
Approval of ABA Programs
Effective for ABA programming beginning July 1, 2013. The ABA does not submit individual program applications to New Hampshire. New Hampshire attorneys may individually apply for course approval by submitting the Attorney Credit Application Form to the New Hampshire MCLE Board with the required attachments. You can download a copy of the program brochure/agenda from many ABA program websites, or print a copy of the program web page (if no separate brochure available) for submission with your application.
Approved Live Program Formats Live, in-person meetings (e.g., National Institutes) Webinars and teleconferences
Approved CLE Product FormatsCDs, CD-ROMs, and DVDs* On-Demand Online Courses* CLE Downloads*
* ABA recorded products are for approved as non-live credit in New Hampshire for the duration of one (1) compliance period (July 1-June 30).
ABA product formats expire annually on June 30. The ABA does not renew credit for products after the June 30 expiration.
For example, a recorded product originally produced on April 30, 2013 would be available for New Hampshire non-live credit until June 30, 2013.
State Contact Information
New Hampshire Minimum CLE Board
2 Pillsbury Street, Suite 300
Concord NH 03301-3502
(603) 715-3222