
Aaron and Aaron Inc dba Ulrich, Nash & Gump is approved for the State of Alaska

Alaska Bar members can claim credit for attending programs that have been accredited by any other mandatory CLE jurisdiction without further accreditation procedures by Alaska. We are accredited in California, Florida, New York and others states so bar members can receive credit from us.


Credit hours required:                      3 hours of MCLE ethics per reporting period. An additional 9 hours of general voluntary CLE (VCLE)


Specialty credits required:              3 hours of MCLE ethics per reporting period


Length of reporting period:             One Year


Compliance date:                               December 31


Reporting date:                                  February


Compliance group:                            All attorneys report annually


Minutes per credit hour:                  60 minutes. To calculate credit for a specific program, divide the total length of the program in minutes by 60 and round down to the nearest quarter hour.


Approved ABA Live Program Formats:     Live, in person meetings (e.g., National Institutes) Webinars and Teleconferences


Approved ABA CLE Product Formats:    CDs, CD-ROMs, and DVDs On-Demand Online Courses CLE Downloads


State Contact Information

Alaska Bar Association

840 K Street, Ste. 100

Anchorage, AK 99501

(907) 272-7469

