Credit hours required: 15 hours per reporting period
Specialty credits required: 3 hours legal ethics or legal professional responsibility
Length of reporting period: 1 year for attorneys licensed two years or more. Initial compliance period for newly licensed attorneys is two years.
Compliance date: Last day of birth month.
Compliance group: Varies by birth month. Attorneys must report annually.
Reporting date: Last day of birth month
Minutes per credit hour: 60 minutes.
Limit on credit hours for recorded programs: Beginning June 1, 2011, 12 of the 15 required hours must be accredited CLE; however, rules changes in 2010 eliminated the distinction between group participatory and interactive participatory CLE and expanded the definition of accredited CLE to encompass product formats such as audio CDs, DVDs, and downloadable CLE programs that were formerly classified as self-study and subject to the self-study limit (changing from 5 hours to 3 hours beginning June 2011).
Attendance Reporting Procedure: The ABA reports attendance online with Texas for live program formats. The ABA does not report attendance for product formats.
Approval of ABA Programs
The ABA is an accredited provider in Texas and is approved for the following formats.
Approved ABA Live Program Formats Live, in person meetings (e.g., National Institutes) Webinars and Teleconferences
Approved ABA CLE Product Formats CDs, CD-ROMs, and DVDs* On-Demand Online Courses* CLE Downloads*
*Recorded audio/video programs are approved for a one-year period from the original production/recording date. Most ABA CLE products are recorded from live accredited CLE activities and count as accredited CLE.
State Contact Information
State Bar of Texas Minimum Continuing Legal Education
P.O. Box 13007
Austin, TX 78711-3007
(800) 204-2222 x2106
e-mail: MCLE@texasbar.com
website: www.texasbar.com